Wednesday, February 21, 2007

My unfinished High School Video Yearbook Project from a long long long long long long long long long time ago... P.F.C.P. (pre-Final Cut Pro) 2003

Wow, so I found my old Digital 8 Camera that I got for Christmas in 2002 in a box in my room that I recently discovered while looking for one of my all-time favorite movies the other night.... Perfect Opposites was the movie btw... I digress...

Inside the box there were 3 tapes, not labeled in anyway of course... I skim the first two tapes and they are basically me goofing off with my room mates from freshman year, Matt Schneeman and Luther Bangert, and a really cool dude from down the hall Murray Purdue... And another 5 minute clip of footage they shot on a weekend when I went home to Virginia but mistakenly left my camera in Iowa City, entertaining to say the least even if it was only to kill time and tape... I may post these tapes later on if people show interest... I digress...

The last tape contained the final prints of a Video Yearbook Project I conjured up Fall of my senior year of high school... Failed regrettably, only to the struggles of a soloed endeavor... My heart was in the right place, sell the stupid thing for $20 a pop to all my friends parents living vicariously through our high school experiences... You can't get any more heart felt than that...

Kidding, it was a fun reason for me to use my brand spankin' new camera and have footage to edit and play with etc. I was a geek at times... anyways I digress... wow I have A.D.D.... So the idea was to film every sport and activity around school and put it together in this sleek, hip, cool DVD Yearbook for the end of the year... I would have people introduce the different activities and talk about things they remember from Manchester... Superlatives... All that traditional sappy stuff that soaks the pages of our traditional yearbooks every year... but in a spiffy new-age modern medium...

I wanted badly to finish it, but attending everything for filming, editing, directing, producing, and everything else by myself became a huge burden... I got burnt out after most of the fall sports and struggled even to film the winter sports... You get the idea... but I found these silly clips from when I filmed in Digital 8 and edited with an old program called Pinnacle... Man did I think that was sweet at the time... If I only knew then what I know now... oh not to mention I had just started taking my first video production class with Mr. Blubaugh that year so I had no real knowledge of the craft until later... It's of course reflected in the work... anyways I rambled quite a bit on this post so if you have any questions or anything hit me up, leave a comment, or whatever... Hope you enjoy the work... Peace...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.