Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Paperback Rhino Improv (scene 1)

So this was a scene that I was in at an anti-Valentine's Day program on the west side of the river, for my comedy improv troupe affectionately named "Paperback Rhino"... I love this group everyone in it is great, and I'm honored to be a part of it...

(added later) Ok so after closer inspection, this scene was not going anywhere due largely in part to my unnecessary domination of the stage with my weak character development... I should have delved deeper into Shane's character as a homeless person, and had Sean not come in to help us out, I would still be up on stage this very minute gasping in desperation...

but I had to show this scene to help fill in missed humor on the much better scene 2... and all I can say is I hope you didn't watch them out of order for your sake... but you get the idea of our improv group... We do some really fun shows and I recommend anyone in the Iowa City area to catch our shows whenever you can...

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