Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Soundscape Project

So this is best summed up as my TA says... as a commercial for Kyle Collins the gamer... I plan on doing another version hopefully before this one is due as an alternate version, one that places the audience in the space, and doesn't just sell the packaging... I really look up to and respect Kyle a lot so I saw it only fitting to immortalize him in as a figure of something he has dedicated a lot of time and energy too. Oh, and he's a wicked sweet magician.


This piece should be approximately 1-minute long. (10 seconds more or less is okay.)

Mix the piece using three tracks of audio in Final Cut Pro with all tracks playing at least some of the time.

-One track must be devoted to spoken voice. This will be the interview track. Do not include any sound of the interviewer asking questions on this track. (You will need to edit this voice out, so leave space between your questions and your subject's answers when you do the interview.) There must be evidence of editing on this track.

-A second track will be ambient sound. This is the sounds of a space that add realism and character to a setting. These MUST NOT be the actual sounds from the background of the interview.

-The third track will contain sound elements of your own choosing-- sound effects, additional voice, or additional background elements. There must also be evidence of editing on this track. In other words, you may not use a single sound for the entire track. No prerecorded music is allowed.

NOTE: The piece should be mixed to mask the edits as much as possible. For example, the speech track, where you have edited out words, must be seamless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cant recall what the version we heard in class went like, but i enjoy this one! I think the background works well in contrast to the spoken voice. props!