Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Paperback Rhino Improv (scene 2)

Scene 2 of me being in love with myself on my own video blog... ok but seriously though just wanted to put some stuff up of me in my improv group... I love it, we have so much fun... anyways I got class I'll talk more about these later, but enjoy...

(added later) Every time I watch this scene I can't believe where it goes... so I hope everyone who sees this item either wants to come see our group perform (improv of course nothing else), or at the very least decides not to pass judgement on me... kidding enjoy the clip there will be more to come in the future... So come see us perform... ;-)


Sean said...

yes! I really enjoy seeing scenes from shows - it's like deja vu because I'm, like... watching it and thinking about what I would do if I were in that situation, but I WAS in that situation - !!

Andrew said...

Now, I like where you're going with this, but I would like to see more ME on your blog.

