Saturday, May 5, 2007

Bran & Park

This was a project we had to do as an in class group project working with an 8mm camera in production studio with lights and a set and the whole sha-bang, given a set dialogue between two characters that must stay the same, while the characters and their surroundings were voted on by the class as a whole... The ideas were brought to the class by the students interested in being the Director for the project and from there everyone else volunteered for their position... from lighting, to script supervisor, to the actors themselves were all done together as a class... Section #4... anyways I put out some ideas and by a slim margin was selected as the director for the project... I had an immense amount of pressure to complete a shot timeline and idea for the project which ended up being a guy passing through a security checkpoint in an airport... I was really scared because I was anticipating everyone's grade being based solely on my performance in how well the film did... needless to say I learned SO MUCH!!! and I would definitely do some things differently and I have a whole new perspective on how much goes into making a movie... anyways some of the parameters were a little more lax but very binding...

-There was only 6 minutes of film stock...
-We had a two hour rehearsal session that tuesday and then the actual shoot on thursday of the same 2 hour limit...
-The shots required were an establishing shot, angle on park, angle on bran, several extreme close-ups, several cut-aways, and separately recorded sound effects and/or ambient sound...
-Begin and end with 10 seconds of black...
-And the final versions would be edited in pairs and the best version would be voted on by the class and shown in the final Modes viewing...
-Must stick to the script but the characters are up for interpretation...

Needless to say mine wasn't the best version to be shown in the final Modes viewing, and my editing partner was the assistant director, and I made some last minute changes that set the audio track off from the video so you can tell there mouths are off from the audio in two places and I plan on fixing it one day but we'll see... Enjoy...

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