Saturday, May 5, 2007

Modes Final Project 2007

This started out as a talking head documentary on Rock Climbers in Iowa that was slowly morphed into a somewhat abstract autobiography in my opinion... I don't know if that's the best explanation of the piece but it was definitely a huge change from my original idea... but the parameters are as follows...

3-5 min. Portrait of a Person/Place
Technical Parameters---

1. Piece Must start with 10 seconds of black followed by a countdown with beep, followed by the video itself and then ending with 10 seconds of black...

2.There must be a variety of shot sizes and angles, at least three of each...

3. There must be at least 3 instances of continuity editing...

4. Must be evidence of mixed sound using at least three separate tracks. No Pre-Recorded sound. Non-diegetic sound is allowed but you MUST use diegetic sound.

I was totally not impressed with my final version I had some horrible buzzing because of how quiet I was in my audio recordings but I used a 3 band equalizer filter to lower the gain and it sounded a lot better but still doesn't make it a better piece... I was surprised when I got the 4th most amount of votes to see which were the top three in class to show in the final viewing... but I still didn't think it was good...

It was supposed to be a based on a true character but at the same time I really wanted to show the characters "realness", sincerity, and isolation from his comforts... I wanted to have another phone call also, but thought it would be hard to start half way through the piece having finished the first call... I also had trouble with rain and with trying to get people to help film for me, so I ended up as you may be able to notice using a lot of tripod shots that I had to run press record, run and climb quick, jump down and move the camera and do it again for like an hour... but Amy Jo helped film after class one day and was really helpful after I asked for help in class but that's why I didn't have many locations, and also why I didn't have a lot of shots, because there were quite a few other angles I wanted to get with a more handheld approach, and there were quite a few more locations that would have been so much better in warmer weather so I didn't use the footage... but you get the idea... I was stuck with 2 tapes of footage from basically only a day of filming... Then after watching the footage I realized how small most of these locations are and how very unimpressive the climbs were... so I struggled to make it look like they were more for just having something to do than being a mockumentary of sorts... anyways, I wanted to tell as much about the character without actually SAYING something about the character... specifically through his conversation over the phone and through his attire and actions... the music is heightened at intense parts of the conversation... and I totally admit to forcing some of the conversation but I wanted to dive deeper into the character as well as having more footage to show and not enough audio to cover it so I went through like three evolutions of the audio phone convo... but I'm really interested in what people have to say about this one because I hated doing the project but I tried to do it well... if that makes since so if you read and watch this please let me know... Enjoy...

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