Wednesday, February 21, 2007

My unfinished High School Video Yearbook Project from a long long long long long long long long long time ago... P.F.C.P. (pre-Final Cut Pro) 2003

Wow, so I found my old Digital 8 Camera that I got for Christmas in 2002 in a box in my room that I recently discovered while looking for one of my all-time favorite movies the other night.... Perfect Opposites was the movie btw... I digress...

Inside the box there were 3 tapes, not labeled in anyway of course... I skim the first two tapes and they are basically me goofing off with my room mates from freshman year, Matt Schneeman and Luther Bangert, and a really cool dude from down the hall Murray Purdue... And another 5 minute clip of footage they shot on a weekend when I went home to Virginia but mistakenly left my camera in Iowa City, entertaining to say the least even if it was only to kill time and tape... I may post these tapes later on if people show interest... I digress...

The last tape contained the final prints of a Video Yearbook Project I conjured up Fall of my senior year of high school... Failed regrettably, only to the struggles of a soloed endeavor... My heart was in the right place, sell the stupid thing for $20 a pop to all my friends parents living vicariously through our high school experiences... You can't get any more heart felt than that...

Kidding, it was a fun reason for me to use my brand spankin' new camera and have footage to edit and play with etc. I was a geek at times... anyways I digress... wow I have A.D.D.... So the idea was to film every sport and activity around school and put it together in this sleek, hip, cool DVD Yearbook for the end of the year... I would have people introduce the different activities and talk about things they remember from Manchester... Superlatives... All that traditional sappy stuff that soaks the pages of our traditional yearbooks every year... but in a spiffy new-age modern medium...

I wanted badly to finish it, but attending everything for filming, editing, directing, producing, and everything else by myself became a huge burden... I got burnt out after most of the fall sports and struggled even to film the winter sports... You get the idea... but I found these silly clips from when I filmed in Digital 8 and edited with an old program called Pinnacle... Man did I think that was sweet at the time... If I only knew then what I know now... oh not to mention I had just started taking my first video production class with Mr. Blubaugh that year so I had no real knowledge of the craft until later... It's of course reflected in the work... anyways I rambled quite a bit on this post so if you have any questions or anything hit me up, leave a comment, or whatever... Hope you enjoy the work... Peace...

One Shot Criteria...

Ok, so I have a little time to myself now, and thought I would elaborate on the whole One Shot idea in case people had any questions...

The goals of the assignment:

1. To learn the cameras
2. To practice basic concepts of image design
3. To develop a sense of temporal design
4. To start understanding the power of sound as a seperate element
5. To engage in the collaborative process
6. To become more familiar with the basic operation of the editing stations

Technical Parameters:

1. The piece must start with 10 seconds of BLACK and then 50-60 seconds of picture (NO MORE, NO LESS) followed by 10 seconds of BLACK then a credit with names of the team members (take a picture of a piece of paper with your names on it). It is not necessary to title this piece, in fact, I advise you not to. There may, however, be a case when some words within the shot may function as a title. That is appropriate. The key here is that there can be no cut in the picture track (except to and from black at the beginning and end).

2. There must be a single track of sound added to the video. It also must begin and end within the 50-60 second time frame. This sound cannot be the original sound (recorded with the image), nor can it be prerecorded music.

Aesthetic/Design Parameters:

1. Every technical aspect of the image and sound in this video contributes to aesthetic meaning. All elements of composition will be considered (focus, lens angle, exposure, camera movement, duration, etc.) as must all aspects of sound (recording noise, clarity, volume, etc.).

2. When grading we will also be thinking about how the video works as a whole. Though this is only a one-minute shot, it should stand alone as a well thought out and complete short video, with attention given to the beginning, middle, and end of the piece.

So this was taken directly from the syllabus to give you an idea of what we were working with... The groups were split into two's with the exception of my odd man group of three... I had a great group and was really lucky, I think we did a great job...

I curtailed the slugs at the beginning and end for purpose of posting on the web but they were there on final copy... Also along the lines of "in case you were wondering..." the credits at the end were supposed to appear as a coffee house menu of sorts and was too small to read on this format but in class on the projector worked well...

The Credits:

Bill Schierbrock......................Camera & Voiceover
A dark roast that will get you going early in the morning

Cecil Yeatts............................Camera & Arms
A kick in the pants that will keep you up all night

Melissa Smed.........................Girl & Voiceover
A lightly roasted blend that will keep you going through the day

Elaine Mudge..........................Girlfriend
A classic house blend that will warm your body and soul

Kate Stanislawski.....................Outdoor Girl
A delicious medium roast to help you unwind

Special Thanks to the The Java House

Well I hope everyone enjoys my first completed video project in Modes, feel free to leave comments and let me know what you think... Holla back!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Paperback Rhino Improv (scene 2)

Scene 2 of me being in love with myself on my own video blog... ok but seriously though just wanted to put some stuff up of me in my improv group... I love it, we have so much fun... anyways I got class I'll talk more about these later, but enjoy...

(added later) Every time I watch this scene I can't believe where it goes... so I hope everyone who sees this item either wants to come see our group perform (improv of course nothing else), or at the very least decides not to pass judgement on me... kidding enjoy the clip there will be more to come in the future... So come see us perform... ;-)

Paperback Rhino Improv (scene 1)

So this was a scene that I was in at an anti-Valentine's Day program on the west side of the river, for my comedy improv troupe affectionately named "Paperback Rhino"... I love this group everyone in it is great, and I'm honored to be a part of it...

(added later) Ok so after closer inspection, this scene was not going anywhere due largely in part to my unnecessary domination of the stage with my weak character development... I should have delved deeper into Shane's character as a homeless person, and had Sean not come in to help us out, I would still be up on stage this very minute gasping in desperation...

but I had to show this scene to help fill in missed humor on the much better scene 2... and all I can say is I hope you didn't watch them out of order for your sake... but you get the idea of our improv group... We do some really fun shows and I recommend anyone in the Iowa City area to catch our shows whenever you can...

Modes One Shot Final

So I guess it's safe to say this is my first finished official college film project... I'll put up the stipulations for this later but I have class... so enjoy for now...

Student Video Yearbook Volleyball

Third and final finished part of this high school project... I started editing for the wrestling season and I filmed a few games of the basketball season, but never made it to final form... but I'm sure they would have been pretty flippin' sweet had they been finished...

Student Video Yearbook Field Hockey

The second part of this mysterious project I never finished in high school... more later...

Student Video Yearbook Football

Sorry for the poor quality, I will explain later but to sum it all up technology made me its' bitch this past weekend when I was trying to create this stupid blog...